Before you react to this article, I just want to clarify that we love free Internet data. Of course who doesn’t want freebies? Who doesn’t want free access to Facebook, Twitter, Spotify, Viber and other great websites and applications on the Internet.
It also gives us the opportunity to know what’s happening in the world and to communicate with our loved ones wherever they are on Earth without extra charges. We can even write our own list of reasons why free data should be continued in the country.
However, not all good things bear good consequences, especially if they aren’t used the right way. So here are 5 reasons why free yet limited Internet data should be stopped in the Philippines.
1. It makes many Filipinos stupid.
Because free Internet data only allow us to access limited number of websites like Facebook, we cannot visit and read the full content of the news or articles we see on our news feed. Consequently, many of us make comments, judgments and opinions based only on the headlines we read on our news feed. Alas, this makes some of us look stupid. I’m sorry for using that term but I can’t find the best word to use. Besides, I think all of us have already committed stupidity once in our lives. We’re humans anyway. 🙂
2. It transforms many people into social media addicts.
Most websites that are accessible by free Internet data in the Philippines are social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter. Since social media websites are the only choices we have, we become hooked with them. Many of us become Facebook addicts. Too much is not good, right?
3. It makes the Philippines unproductive.
Too much use of social media can have a negative impact on one’s productivity and profitability. Instead of reading books and doing assignments, many young students are consuming their precious time following celebrities on Facebook. Rather than concentrating on their jobs, many workers are busy accessing social media through their mobile phones. All of these could result to a slow developing country.
4. It covers up the real problem of internet services in the country.
Perhaps you’re already happy with the free Facebook access your telco is giving you. However, it doesn’t cure the problem of expensive and slow Internet in the Philippines. I would rather pay for Internet data which is fast and inexpensive rather than receive free yet limited Internet data as a sop or “pampalubag-loob” for their services that do not meet global standards. We cannot deny the fact that the Internet in the Philippines is still one of the slowest and most expensive in Asia (source: GMA News Online).
5. Filipinos deserve more than just the free yet limited Internet data.
Filipinos are paying enough money to Internet providers in the Philippines to deserve and enjoy an Internet speed that can compete other nations in Asia. Moreover, taxpayers in the country remit enough tax money to the government to do their job in ensuring that Filipinos will be provided access to quality Internet services. We deserve more than just the free but limited Internet access. To the telcos, how about a better, faster and more affordable Internet service? To our government, when can we enjoy free WiFi in all the public places in the country?
Let’s not forget that everything comes at a price, even the free things, or even the free Internet data. We may not be paying an extra charge but we might be paying an extra price. That price could be a national concern that every Filipino should be aware of.

About Rig Man
Rig Man is a Filipino nationalist. He loves to travel through space and time – through astronomy, history and geology.
FFS man, many people wouldnt be able to contact there family members in the province if there wasnt free data 🙁 stop making exuses based on lazyness and shit