Have you ever read some strange abbreviated words such as ATM, FFTB and OOTD in your friends’ posts on Facebook or Instagram?
Don’t get it wrong – ATM doesn’t mean automated teller machine when your social media friends post a selfie or a picture showing what they are doing or where they are at a moment.
Our world and way of life are indeed changing drastically. In this world of smart phones, tablets, Internet, mobile apps, social media and other digital wonders, everyone should keep up with the conversation.
Learn some of the most common Internet slang words and abbreviations used by Filipinos today so that you won’t become a clueless person when you see one on your social media newsfeed and messages.
The following are some of the most usual Internet slang terms used in the Philippines:
1. ATM – At this Moment
2. BAE– Before Anyone Else
3. BFF – Best Friends Forever
4. BTS – Behind The Scenes (Sometimes used as “Be There Soon”)
5. FBF – Flashback Friday
6. Facepalm – A gesture in which the palm of one’s hand is brought to one’s face. This means an expression of disbelief, shame, frustration or disappointment.
7. FFTB – Fresh from the bathroom. A term used by someone who just finished taking a bath.
8. FTW – For the Win
9. FWIS – From Where I Stand
10. HBD – Happy Birthday
11. IDK – I Don’t Know
12. Igers – Short for Instagrammers or people who use Instagram.
13. IMHO – In my Humble Opinion
14. LMK – Let me Know
15. LOL – Laugh Out Loud
16. ICYMI– In Case You Missed It
17. IYKWIM – If You Know What I Mean
18. JGH – Just Got Home
19. KOTD – Kicks (Shoes) of the Day
20. LMAO – Laughing My Ass Off
21. MEH –Indifference or mediocrity, equivalent to shoulder shrug
22. Ngangers – Another Tagalog term for “nganga” (open-mouthed), an expression used by Filipinos who have lost excitement, who are bored, feeling lazy, or have nothing to do for the day.
23. No filter – It means no filters were used to enhance a certain photo posted on social media.
24. Noob – New or inexperienced person
25. Nosebleed – An expression used by someone who’s having a difficulty in understanding the English words spoken by the person whom he’s talking with.
26. NP – No Problem
27. NSFW – Not Safe for Work
28. NTS – Note to Self
29. OMG – Oh My God
30. OOTD – Outfit of the Day
31. OOTN – Outfit of the Night
32. Pabebe – A word used to describe people who try to act, speak or sound cute like a child or a baby. It also means “pacute” in Tagalog. The term can have many other meanings. It can also be used to describe someone who is narcissistic or who always like to make himself/herself the center of people’s attraction.
33. Petix – To procrastinate
34. POTD – Photo Of The Day
35. ROTF –Rolling On The Floor (laughing is implied)
36. SNAFU – Situation Normal, All Fouled Up
37. Selfie – A photograph that one has taken of oneself usually with a hand-held digital camera or camera phone.
38. Selfeet – A photograph of one’s feet taken by oneself.
39. Swelfie – It means “swolen selfie” or a selfie taken by someone just after a hard workout at the gym. Swelfie can also mean a “swimsuit selfie”.
40. TYVM – Thank You Very Much
41. TBH – To Be Honest
42. TBT – Throwback Thursday
43. TIA – Thanks in Advance
44. TTYL – Talk To You Later
45. TMI – Too Much Information
46. WTF – What the F*ck
47. YOLO – You Only Live Once
48. YW – You’re Welcome
49. XOXO – Hugs & Kisses
50. 4SHO – For Sure
So how many of the Internet slang above have you got the meaning right? How many of those terms do you always use as a hastagh?
If you have any other popular Pinoy Internet slang in mind or if you have some suggestions and corrections, feel free to share it with us by making a comment below.
Finally, don’t forget to share this to your friends on social media so that the next time you make a post on your Facebook or Instagram account, they would understand you better. 🙂

About Rig Man
Rig Man is a Filipino nationalist. He loves to travel through space and time – through astronomy, history and geology.
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