Classrooms in a public elementary school in Basey, Samar. This picture was taken 9 months after Super Typhoon Yolanda.
I finished my elementary and high school studies in public schools. And just like a typical pupil in a public school, I experienced bringing a bolo for cutting grasses, sweeping our classroom, and walking in my tsinelas (slippers) going to school and back at home.
The World Teacher’s Day which was celebrated last October 5 has already passed, but for me, our teachers should be appreciated every day. Our teachers play a major role in shaping our country. Whatever subjects they are teaching, they produce Filipinos who become the builders and leaders of our nation. Although I’m not a government employed teacher by profession, I have loved ones who work as such, and I can understand what they are going through.
There are already proposed bills that aimed to give public teachers in the Philippines an increase to their current salaries and benefits. Unfortunately, these laws are still pending due to budgetary considerations . My compassion goes to our dear teachers. And in my personal opinion, they are more than deserving to receive higher wages and benefits. Here are 10 reasons why: [Read more…]
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