Crab mentality is a widely used term in the Philippines given to Filipinos who always try to pull down other Filipinos who are succeeding in life and getting ahead of them. This trait is not unusual to us, as it’s actually one of the common bad habits of many Filipinos.
People with crab mentality are everywhere. You can encounter them on social media, where they are always busy criticizing instead of appreciating the news and stories about the achievements of Filipinos.
This attribute is also one of the major causes why our country is not progressing. It doesn’t promote unity, humility and responsibility. I believe we have to get rid of it for our personal and national development. And the first step to eradicate this negative trait from us is to be aware of it. We can all be guilty of crab mentality, and here are 10 signs that someone is having this unfavorable quality.
1. They are too proud of themselves and treat others as inferior beings. You can sense a breeze of arrogance from people with crab mentality. They feel like they have royal blood flowing in their veins, and they treat other Filipinos as peasants. When they earn some achievements of their own, whether big or small, they brag it to everyone to position themselves higher from the rest of the Filipinos. And that is why they will always look down on you, especially if you’re a Filipino who came from the province or a “probinsyano/probinsyana”. They can be racist to their own race – the Filipinos. Oh, I mean they can be racist to other regional races of the Philippines.
2. They panic when their comrades are happy and improving. Aside from arrogance, you can also smell envy, jealousy and bitterness from this kind of people. They freak out when the people they look down are rising or progressing beyond them. It gives them a terrible feeling of insecurity. That’s why they will try to pull them down, either by harsh words or by unkind actions. You will see them giving bitter comments on Facebook, Twitter and other social media channels. They can be irritating, as they may spoil your own little achievement or happiness. So watch out!
3. Their motto in life is “if I can’t have it, neither can you”. They rather wish everyone will fail than let themselves fail while others are succeeding. They represent the “crabs in the bucket” metaphor, where the crabs can easily escape from the bucket, but instead, they grab and pull down each other in a selfish competitive manner which prevents any of them to escape, resulting to their collective demise. In other words, people who have a crab mentality are selfish and they don’t have any sense of sacrifice. They are actually the opposite of Filipinos who are known to love “bayanihan” or communal work.
4. They are full of positivity for themselves but full of negativity for others. They only see the good things in themselves, but they’re blind when it comes to their negative characteristics. When it comes to how they view other people, it becomes the opposite. They only see the bad things of other people while they’re blind to their positive deeds. That is why instead of appreciation, what you will get from them are nothing but negative criticisms. Some of these criticisms are valid while others are just invented to mess up your achievements.
5. They blame their comrades for their failures rather than help them. What is more disgusting about Filipinos who have a crab mentality is that they will pull you down further when you’re already down. When Super Typhoon Yolanda (Haiyan) turned the lives of many Filipinos in the Eastern Visayas into the darkest part, the “crabs” were nothing but blamers instead of becoming the helpers. Rather than giving us a hand, these “crabs” broke our already broken souls and hearts. And the saddest part of this, these “crabs” include some public officials who are supposed to give us first-hand public service.
6. They treat their comrades as competitors. It seems like the words unity and cooperation are not in their vocabulary. They always treat other Filipinos as competitors instead of teammates. You can find this kind of people everywhere. In a basketball team, in your office, and even in a cooperative organization, they could be there. Again, envy, jealousy and selfishness cause them to refrain from cooperating. Instead of giving victory to the whole company or team, they just want to grab all the success for themselves. And just like what we discussed in #3, they rather let the team lose, than let it win without making themselves as the star player.
7. They don’t know a thing about compassion. Compassion is a great virtue that enables us to understand the feelings of other people. It lets us walk in other people’s shoes and appreciate the lives they are living. But people with crab mentality lack compassion. They are inconsiderate and ignorant of the many people they are offending. They don’t care about the many hearts they are breaking. Well, what can we expect? They only care for themselves.
8. Yet they act like they know everything. You can’t argue with them because they act like they are the most knowledgeable people in the world. They are active critics but they don’t accept criticisms thrown to them by other people. They don’t need your advice. They don’t want to hear your opinions. Just try to correct them if your dare.
9. They spend most of their time talking about people rather than discussing ideas and solutions. Again, it’s because they treat people as their competitors. Instead of thinking about the brilliant ideas and solutions that can make the Philippines a better country, they spend most of their time ensuring that no other Filipinos can become better than them. When our nation faces a crisis, they will be more active in talking about how people become worthy of suffering rather than discussing the solutions that will help people end their sufferings.
10. They will never admit that they have a crab mentality. And that’s the mystery of it, they will never admit that they have that kind of mentality.
This article is only supposed to be informational rather than judgmental. Even I, when I was still childish, I admit I have some of the signs of having a crab mentality. I was jealous, envious, bitter and a bit selfish. But if we stay in this mentality, we will not grow as a person. And definitely, we will not grow as a nation. Therefore, while it’s still early, we have to be aware of this negative attitude or habit. Then we should get rid of it, not only for ourselves, but also for the whole nation and the next generation.

About Victorino Q. Abrugar
Vic promotes tourism-related businesses, brands and places. He's the marketing strategist of FAQ.PH. He believes that the key to success is to always do what to do next. Want to promote your business? Contact him at
see people from getrealphilippines
They also never teach others what they know. Unless in exchange for something.
Uh oh, isa akong crab.
I had the opportunity of working with different races and nationalities and I can tell you, crab mentality is not endemic to Filipinos. It can also be as true and even worse than ours. Its not even unusual to them either.
Hi Brett. Indeed, other races and nationalities also posses such mentality. Perhaps, Filipinos just love to use that term.
Well the good thing is that there are people like you who would try to expose these bad habits & culture to raise awareness for Filipinos.
quite right. some are even more adept at politicking. they smile at you but if an opportunity arises, they stab you in the back, let you fall or wait for you to fail. i think it’s the fact that we pinoys are too individualistic or at most family-oriented that except close friends and family, we’d rather see others fail. it’s crab mentality that brings nations to war, except that instead of oneself or family, people pull others who are not of their “nation-race” down. Like the British who advanced only British interests by declaring war on Napoleon’s France in the 1800s and siding with Prussian Germany, then siding with France against Germany in World War I. I mean England and France has been practically at war for half a millenium. And so did Frederick the Great’s Prussia siding with England vs Austria in his time. Actually, Europe’s thousand year wars is all about getting ahead and pulling others down. I’m just saying it’s a human trait. It’s just so pronounced in the Philippines because we Pinoys are so fractious we exist in our own country not as a nation-state but as individuals first, families come in close second, then as a linguistic group next.
I got 0/10 from this in my personality 🙂 ‘coz i just hate people who have crab mentality
also people with crab mentality are indenial
You can bet they won’t post my comment either. False sense of pinoy pride bs. Jan magaling ang pinoy – magpanggap, para mukang mabango. Magtiis- settle for mediocrity and be proud of it. “Pwede na yan” that’s your motto.
Keep it up philippines
Hi. We are sorry, we cannot publish your other comment because it violates our comment policy . We accept all criticisms on this blog, except those which contain extremely foul, obscene and derogatory words. There’s a clear distinction between a critic and a pure hater. Perhaps we can have a meaningful discussion of matters without using derogatory words.
Good job FAQ.PH. You said it nicely.
minsan crab din ako
oo crab tayo sumtyms dahil may mga bagay talaga na d mapigilang maging crab.
This is strong-worded open letter to the author of the article found above. My intention is not to berate the person, although my choice of words may give that impression. This is a rude awakening to the realities we refuse to acknowledge as a people and as a nation and why I think the articles like the one above eclipse the bigger flaws we have as countrymen. Please follow the link to view my response:
Hi Crab. Thank you for commenting and taking your time to write a long open letter/blog post to the article above (which you said is a time-waster). I’ve read your open letter, and I respect your view. Our blog is just a month old, with a few blog posts on it. We will strive to write more articles in the future that will address the deeper problems of our country. We apologize if the post above sounds judgmental to you. We only aim to address the truth. We believe that facing the truth hurts but it is vital in making a change for our society and for our country. Thanks again.
As you have read from my blog, I have nothing against telling the truth even when it hurts. I believe in rude awakenings if that’s what it takes to draw attention to the more urgent problems of our society. But I have a big problem with lists that point out people instead of problems, as I mentioned in my article. I shared the article with some of my friends who admit to having a crab mentality and they were offended by it. Some are closet crabs, who feel the jealousies and insecurities but don’t act out on their feelings, and it’s unfair to them to be condemned so harshly when they are not even the main problem. Jealousy and insecurity are flaws in the human condition, not the Filipino condition alone. Sometimes crabs are victims of other crabs who are victims of other crabs. It’s a seamless cycle that won’t end if we keep blaming each other. I’m looking forward to more articles about the real issues that need attention. I look forward to a better Philippines.
Hello Crab. Thanks again for sharing your insights. My apology if your friends got offended. I’m just wondering why thousands of the article’s readers liked it and shared it. Anyway, if you have read the whole post, you’ll understand that it’s not the people who are the main target of the article, but it’s their attitudes/habits, which should be changed for our better society. In my opinion, it’s a big issue we must address. Even the author admitted that he’s also guilty of it and he wanted change. As you understand, in order to make our nation/society better, we have to make ourselves better. And in order to make ourselves better, we have to overcome ourselves – we have to defy crab mentality within ourselves. I read your blog, and it seems too judgmental to the author of the article, whom you don’t even know personally. Nevertheless, good luck to your new blog. I hope you achieve success. If you need some help or assistance to ensure the success of your blog, feel free to reach us.
– Victorino Abrugar
Don’t spend too much time wondering why thousands of the article’s readers liked it and shared it. That should not be taken as a compliment but as a cause for alarm. It means thousands are distracted from the real problems. How come nobody wants to admit that the real problem is media influence? Nobody wants to admit it’s the media because they keep us entertained. I doubt even Jose Rizal would watch our local programs. In fact, I’d bet my right hand, that he wouldn’t. The media is the channel by which those in authority bypass our better judgement by bombarding our senses with images and propaganda. We are conditioned to become shallow thinkers.
Yes, I admit my open-letter was harsh. I myself labeled it “strong-worded”. When you say my blog was too judgmental to the author, you do realize that I was only putting the mistakes you made by labeling people, under the microscope. True. I do not know the author personally. But do you know every person with the crab mentality personally? Do you know if all of them are incapable of compassion and act like they know everything? How do you know these traits are indulged habitually through scheming and putting others down?
How do you know it’s a habit and not merely a weakness of character? If I was too judgemental to the author, at least he is the only one harmed by the onslaught of criticism. But think about the others harmed by this article? Also, another reason I strongly disagree with overemphasizing the crab mentality is because it is not unique to Filipinos. I grew up in a multi-cultural setting. Other cultures have it far worse than we do! They are pitiless when it comes to putting others down.
If Filipinos were really “competitive”, other countries would be eating our dust because we are innovative people. The problem isn’t that we’re competitive. The problem is that we’re too preoccupied with gossip and trash TV. That’s not necessarily the crab mentality. That’s small-mindedness. And that small-mindedness was begot by the relentless bombardment of the media. I don’t want to blame specific persons in the media. Because many of them are also just puppets.
We need to wake up and find the courage to point out the real problems. We shouldn’t blame each other. We shouldn’t emphasize the character weaknesses of others and throw them all into one stereotype. We should stop gossiping. And yes, I’d go as far as to say that we should stop watching our local programs. We learn nothing from them but small-mindedness.
We try to imitate the West, but even though the Western people compromise their values, they are already superpowers and lightyears ahead in terms of economy, military defense and scientific advancement. They will be harder to undo. We are a third world country. If we allowed ourselves to be influenced by the media, by the shows promoting infidelity, then we endanger our values. By compromising our values, we invite adversity into our homes. Our families are the basic units of society. If our families disintegrate, our society will collapse.
We simply cannot afford that. We are at the mercy of nature. Our geographical location on the globe makes us vulnerable to nature’s onslaughts. We need to elevate our thinking to things that would equip us better financially and mentally against disasters like those we have experienced. Yes, we have survived. But casualties could’ve been brought to a minimum if we were better prepared and less occupied by nonesense.
You and I are both hoping for a better Philippines. But I think, we need to prioritize the things to draw attention to. These jealousies and insecurities are something we that can be addressed in church. A platform like this site, should address the bigger issues. I think we have winked at the problems for long enough. This is a rude awakening. But maybe it’s what we all need, myself included.
In spite of how you feel about my blog, I would still like to give you the updated permalink: Who knows? Someday, you and I might find common ground on these matters and start fighting our common enemy. All the best.
Hi crab. It’s sad that you have specifically judged the thousands of people who liked and shared the article. I hope they will not be offended by your comment. I wish you have fully read and understand the article. That’s all. Take care.
– Victorino
I believe what has been shared by the author are true and correct, huwag na tayong magpagalingan, meron tayong kanya-kanyang punto, what we need now is to let our valuable thoughts put together and translate them into action. Pagsasabuhay sa mga magaganda at makakatulong na pananaw ang kailangan na ngayon para umunlad tayo bilang mga mamamayan at isang bayan.
sabi sabi lng yan … how about survival of the fittest ? like a race , nag uunahan , magtutulakan pra maka survive at maka una… this compilation and the ones who shares are they themselves had a crab mentality .why look at things in a negative way , kesyo ganyan , ganito ugali pilipino .why not hospitable, cheerful trait be considered
intindihin mong binabasa mo. Ang pamagat..
^ found a crab!
You are right Jo, mismo ang nagsulat nitong article na ito naguumapaw ang crab mentality. At saka paano sya naging authority sa “crab mentality” para maniwala tayo sa article nya. Basta lang sya nag-imbento ng signs? Baka para sa kanya signs yun pero para sa ibang tao hindi. Hindi lahat ng nakalagay sa internet dapat paniwalaan, kahit sino-sino lang kasi pwede mag blogger. Halata naman sa pagkasulat ng article na hindi sya talaga journalist. Wow, naka moderate pala ang comments. I am sure hindi nya ito i-publish. Bakla siguro may-ari ng bopols na blog na ito.
Hi Palpak Pilipinas. Nakamoderate po ang mga comments to ensure na walang mga words na pagmumura or profanity ang mapapublish. Hindi po ako authority sa crab mentality – blogger lang po ako na gusto ishare ang aking opinion at thoughts based sa aking experience. Straight guy po ako. 🙂 Salamat po sa comment Sir palpak.
– Victorino
Hi jo. Yes, we have also written, published and shared an article about the good habits/traits of Filipinos. You may read “14 Good Filipino Habits that Make the Philippines a Great” Country Our goal is to help Filipinos recognize our bad traits to change them and our good traits to keep them.
I smell bias in this article.. Well, there should be someone to blame or something and this Author knows that. You (author) blame your friends, family, people surrounds you if they threaten your own space. Isn’t it?.. Blaming is not crab mentality.. Some people blame because they see through it. You don’t say Blaming is equivalent to Crab Mentality because that will create new ideas that leads new conflicts. Just saying, what could go worst? Right? You’re so right.. Anyways, “They included some public officials who are supposed to give you and your folks a first-hand public service.”? Really? What makes you so special? Don’t bring up the memories that most Filipinos are trying to forget, specially the victims.. Even other nations blamed the government on how they work things out.. IT SUCKS!!! Just leave them alone.. It’s in the past, no sense of bringing it up.. Don’t use those to earn sympathy or whatever you are up to!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi Jhayr. I respect your opinion.
By the way, I have to inform you that your other comments were not accepted because they contain offensive words full of hate to the author. Please be informed that bad words and derogatory statements are not allowed here. Thank you.
– Vic
I’m an american filipino and most of my friends are non Asian and I have to say its not just Filipinos who have this “crab mentality” its people in general who just get jealous its not just exclusive to Filipinos just to let you guys know. People are people we may have a lot of differences but the things we do have in common count much more than all those differences.
I agree with you Mr. U. Crab mentality can be present in all races of the world. However that fact should not be an excuse for us Filipinos to assess ourselves, realize the signs, and make the necessary changes to improve ourselves to make our country a better nation to live. – Victorino
I’m a Filipino and I can’t even begin to tell you how spot on this article is. My family is originally and I have a lot of Aunties and cousins that act this way, even my mother. One time my mother and I were at Starbucks just hanging out people watching when she spotted a Filipino woman carrying a Louis Vouitton purse. She said “look at this woman, does she think she looks good with that purse? She looks like one of the helpers that clean our house back home.” I was really annoyed at my mom for such a mean comment. If this woman wants to carry a designer bag why should it bother you? We all enjoy nice things in life so why can’t she if she’s earned it? She’s not hurting anyone. I said this to my mother and she just got defensive telling me that she can speak her mind and shouldn’t tell her what she can and cannot say. I hate this superficial trait in my family. But being raised in the U.S we were taught to believe that anyone in this country can achieve and obtain a good quality life as long as they work hard are determined.
yung ibang mga kabayan mapanatili lang sila sa pwesto o trabaho ay ilalaglag ang kapwa pinoy. sisiraan sa mga grupo para siya yung bida at siya yung magaling. “Vengeance is Mine, I will repay,” says the Lord.Romans 12:19
Ugh di nman crab mentality yan ei ? inggit
I think ikaw ang may crab mentality ei kasi the pattern is when other people’s progress or well being are affected by unreasonable actions (not sourgraping) of another person then yun ang crab mentality. Pero kadalasan nga ay naguumpisa yun sa inggit. Kaya ingat ka …
WOW Sir! you could have not expressed it better in a million years! Every word is soooo true judging from MY OWN experiences!
Nice piece that profoundly explained the root cause of our poverty. Yup I have been working for an organization to alleviate poverty in this country and I am really disgusted because Filipinos envy other Filipinos who are more successful. They love to pull people down and they feel very glad when they see other Filipinos fail. Like in our politics if a Senator or a congressman pass a very good resolution with national significance and some Senator or Congressman from different party will do everything to crush this resolution without giving alternative solution.In Israel if someone gives an idea which tries to develop their country then Israelis will come together and enhance that idea till it will be almost perfect to serve the interest of the public that all Israelis will benefit from that idea. We Filipinos are just different , or perhaps we are racially and intellectually inferior. Sometime I might admit that we are dogs and pigs even when I hate it.
This is disgusting and it’s evident in different people of all races. I can’t believe people can live with themselves having this kind of mentality.
Thanks for this!
I am a Filipina American and have spent most of my life in the United States I cd never understand why almost every Filipina friend I met would become jealous of me even though I didn’t do anything wrong thanks for explaining the culture to me now I won’t take things so personally my parents brought me up to be a critical thinker, I guess Filipinos don’t like me because I am writer and outspoken
This is the common belief. It is not true all the time. Some couple I know gave their house to their cousin and built another house. One left their house to let his friend with his family live in his home while away. But the most that Filipinos are known for are hard work, hospitality, service with a smile and love of family.
cRAB Mentality, Anti-Intellectualism, Onion-skinned, and a lot more! just name it….
This is all about Respect. pinoys in general don’t how to respect others. don’t appreciate life as is. and always complain whenever possible. living in Canada make me realized that some Pinoys change overtime. they will try every effort to change their identity, their looks. more pretentious, often they denounce to be called Filipinos. most on the time, whenever I meet one (for whatever reason I know one if they are Pinoy), they wont talk to you in tagalog even if they looks like Bhoy Abunda, and have the guts to say “I can only understand” so I say STUPID YOU” Cause if you can understand you should be able to speak the language. Filipinos should try to respect their own identity, be proud of who you are, and love the country where you from. im only half pinoy but I love everything about the Philippines. that the land of my mother. hope pinoy will change their attitude too.
Sounds just like Cory and PeeNoy…
“Crabs talk about people…” Here! Found another crab here.
While Crab Mentality is seen in the Philippines, without a doubt, it is not exclusively seen in the Philippines.
Envy is the big red flag for Crab Mentality. It all boils down to Envy.
May tawag dyan, Inggit. Baket mo pa papatulan kung i-append nila yung USRN to their names? Basta totoo na US registered sila, walang masama don. Basta totoo ang ipagyayabang problema na ng mga inggitera yon
This is the clearest, most succinct description of this mentality I’ve ever read. This mentality is not unique to Filipinos, though, it happens all over the world. And you’re right, it holds everyone back. I’m going through this right now and I’m from an Irish and Welsh American family.
Thanks for explaining this and making this available – I’m going to have some people involved read, probably to no avail, but I’ll try anyway. : )
Being jealous doesnt mean you’d have crab mentality…its not a “one causes the other” kind of thing.
IF you are jealous and have crab mentality, you tend to bring others down when they are above you, BUT if you are jealous and DONT have crab mentality then that jealously makes you want to rise above where you currently are so you can be where they are.
dont get me wrong, most ppl are the former, BUT i know for a fact that there are some ppl who are the later b/c i am one of them.
then you also have some ppl who are a bit of both, but they dont stay that way for long b/c they see that weakness and seek to rise above it.
Jealously can be a good thing, IF you care about yourself enough for it to be, but jealously alone is never a bad thing…just a thing, a feeling, an emotion – rejection of it however IS bad and i think is what plays a part in the former…
What about if the other successful person is a foreigner who is in your country? How do Filipinos feel about that person? How does the mentality vary if the foreigner is white, black, yellow or brown?
This is not just for Filipino, in fact its mostly ASIAN attitude. Try to widen your horizon and you will see other races has it too. The article is not judgemental but mainly discussed about Filipino having this mentality, isn’t it the same?…just sayin no offense:)
sorry to say this but, we inherit this mentality from the spanish since the philippines was ruled by the spaniards for 333 years to be exact. if you noticed most country ruled by the spanish didn’t prosper much. am not saying all spanish people are the same up to now, people change.
It is so sad that you have written this article, quoting that this is is a common bad habit of Filipinos as if only Filipinos have this bad habit. I have been travelling worldwide and have been meeting diversed nationalities- this same trait is also common everywhere. I can say this with conviction because for many years I have been managing more than 20,000 employees including Filipinos and you know what? Filipinos are well liked in our Multi-national company. Certain roles such as Finance Director role of a country operations is specifically given only to Filipinos because of their proven honesty and reliability. Please don’t single out the Filipinos, our nation is definitely not the TOP in this “crab mentality” habit. I had seen worst. But I will not mention here which nationalities because I don’t want to destroy them, It is unfair. I hope you will also not destroy your fellowmen. This “Crab mentality”is a very old trait written in many old books of the 60’s and 70’s. With the growth of education and economic developments in the Philippines, Filipinos have already developed better and better social skills which subsequently shook off this mentality. Filipinos are regarded as Global Talents, they have caught the eyes of many multi national companies.
Hi Marda. Isn’t it true that crab mentality is one of the common bad habits of many Filipinos? It’s sad but it’s the truth. I think we have to face the truth, assess ourselves, and make the necessary changes if needed to improve ourselves and our country. By the way, I have also written an article about “14 Good Filipino Habits that Make the Philippines a Great Country” –
Our very own Ninotchka Rosca (multi-awarded novelist, scholar, women’s rights activist, a Filipina) coined this phrase. Read more here: (Thanks Ninotchka! That’s one bit of information I sure am glad to know.)
Hi Ma’am. Thank you for sharing your comment. But I think the article never mentioned that ALL Filipinos have crab mentality. I also agreed that this mentality can be present in all races of the world – I did not mention that it is endemic to just the Filipinos. However, that fact should not deny the fact that MANY Filipinos have such mentality. The fact that this mentality is everywhere in the world should not be an excuse for us Filipinos to assess ourselves of those signs, face the truth, and strive to change if needed to improve ourselves, as well as our country. That’s the main purpose of the article. Thank you for the advice.
– Victorino
Point well taken, Mr Victorino. I appreciate that we are on the same page hoping that some people (not specific to Filipinos alone) who have this trait to “change” if possible; on the same token that it is likewise not “injected” in anyone’s heads…. because as an analogy – allow me to give an example : THINK of PEDRO (the subject) with CRAB MENTALITY PERSON – …. and have face as you think….) then ‘DO NOT THINK’ of PEDRO (having crab mentality)…. what picture do you have? IT IS THE SAME PEDRO – however, we have already injected in our minds that this person has crab mentality… because we have already associated the ‘mentality’ with Pedro! Which brings me to my point: when you write articles like this, “Crab mentality” and “Filipinos” (whether SOME or ALL) you actually “associated” the TWO as ONE…. Meantime, I truly hope that we will slowly “erase” the stigma or contribute to the effort by not “injecting” such in peoples heads…. but in fairness to you intentions, thank you for understanding as well. Peace!
I also wish to invite you to check out a FB page called Pride of Pinoys !!!
where the group ‘hails’ Filipinos in each achievement they glorify the Filipinos worldwide.. You are very welcome to join us and read (and maybe ADD) Pinoy achievers…. God Bless!!!