There is no denying that the AlDub is the most talked about love team now. I have watched a couple of episodes of this funny “KalyeSerye” and I really enjoyed it. Sure Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza looks cute and “nakakakilig” but we could not say that it is just because of the kilig factor that made them phenomenal. So what made Filipino all over the world love this new and unexpected tandem? I will tell you later, first let’s get to know the characters of this soap which is taking noontime viewers by a storm.
Maine Mendoza – Yaya Dub or Divina Ursula Bukbukova Smash (Lola Nidora’s maid)
Alden Richards – Alden. (Yaya Dub’s love team, suitor)
Wally Bayola – Lola Nidora/Donya Nidora Esperanza Zobeyala Vda. de Explorer (the main character in the Kalyeserye. She is also Yaya Dub’s boss) and DuhRizz Maine de Explorer (Lola Nidora’s granddaughter and Yaya Dub’s karibal)
Jose Manalo – Frankie Amoy Arenoli (Yaya Dub’s suitor) and Lola/Donya Tinidora Zobeyala (Lola Nidora’s another sister)
Paolo Ballesteros – Lola/Donya Tidora Zobeyala (Lola Nidora’s sister)
Mark Elardo McMahon – Dr. Tan-ning. (Lola Nidora’s personal doctor)
The Rogelios – Rogelio, Rogelio and Rogeli. Are Lola Nidora’s bodyguards.
The Bernardos – Bernardo, Bernardo and Bernardo are Lola Tidora’s handsome version of the Rogelios
The Quandos – The Quando trio is Lola Tinidora’s skinny bodyguargds.
Now here are the 10 things I noticed about #AlDub which I think is the reason behind the success of this new love team:
1. Spontaneous. We all know that from the start, this love team was just an accident. It was very spontaneous; a smile broke on Yaya Dub’s face when she saw Alden on the monitor laughing as she was doing one of her dubsmash. (She was supposed to be Lola Nidora’s snobbish nanny) Turns out Maine has got a crush on Alden. So because of that scene, Eat Bulaga directors thought of creating this unlikely love team. There was this episode when Yaya Dub was about to be wedded to Frankie and she suddenly passed out, everyone thought it was part of the script but Maine was actually not feeling well that day and fainted during the ceremony and was rushed to the hospital.
2. It has kilig factor. Every time Alden and Yaya Dub exchange dubsmash, pabebe wave, and pinky promise, the crowd goes wild with kilig. Same also happens when Alden flashes those cute smiles showing his dimples. Another kilig factor in this “Kilig Pa More” KalyeSerye is that Alden is doing all sorts of challenges that Lola Nidora had been throwing at him just to see Yaya Dub.
3. Suspense factor. The AlDub nation always has something to look forward to after every episode which is why people are hooked to AlDub. There are secrets yet to be revealed, like the true identity of Yaya Dub’s mother and of course, the much-anticipated first meeting of Alden and Yaya Dub. Since the show started the couple haven’t seen each other yet in person for various reasons.
4. It is funny. Eat Bulaga, the longest running noontime show is the house of veteran comedians such as Tito, Vic, and Joey. Plus the tandem of Wally and Jose you can expect nothing but a good live comedy show. Just the looks of the three Donyas is enough to make you laugh and then top it up with Yaya Dub’s funny faces when she’s doing a dubsmash. This 30 minute serye will surely make you RTFL!
5. Good kontrabida portrayal. I gotta give it to Wally. He really nailed his character. He looks so funny and at the same time effective antagonist (kontrabida) which gives more color to the show. In his portrayal of Lola Nidora or Donya Nidora Esperanza Zobeyala Vda de Explorer people sees him as a good comedian. The audience can’t help but LOL when he suddenly changes from a supposed to be sophisticated Donya Nidora to Babalu when his character is scolding Yaya Dub or the Rogelios.
6. Everyone loves to see a happy ending for every love story. The AlDub nation is waiting for their hero and heroine finally get their “happily ever after”. Until then, they would always be at the edges of their seats wondering what’s going to happen next and when will that “forever” come true for Alden and Yaya Dub.
7. It is unique. People want to see something new, something fresh and something that no one else has done yet in the past. The “KiligPa More” is the perfect example of that, no scripts just pure kilig for everyone’s entertainment.
8. Influence of Social media. The #AlDubMaiDenHeaven reached 3-Million mark on Twitter, which makes them the most tweeted topic in Philippine Twitter history surpassing #PapalVisit when Pope Francis visited the country earlier this year. AlDub also made history being the first Filipino love team to get that mark. Fans are also following personal tweets of Alden and Maine waiting for this fictional love team to become true to life.
9. Dubsmash is so in now. It was this year when Dubsmash became a craze in the country; everyone wants to try to make their own dubsmash. Maine happened to be known as the “Dubsmash Queen” of the Philippines, she got that title after she uploaded her video impersonating Kris Aquino on Youtube which became viral, earning over a million views within 24 hours. And as you all may know Alden and Yaya Dub only communicate through dubsmash or writing a message on a white board.
10. It is so Filipino. Forbidden courtships is so Filipino. Since I could remember most popular movies and teleseryes are about forbidden love. Someone from the family or both sides would hinder lovers from pursuing their affair. That’s the typical Filipino ways too, in real life most Filipino parents want to have a say on whom their son or daughter should marry. Because of that, people could somehow relate to Alden and Yaya Dub.
This love team earned GMA a record-breaking viewership, but this also started quarrels between their fans and the fans of Showtime. Let’s let love win not envy or arrogance. The main reason that they are in show business is to entertain us and not to make us fight over who’s the best. Just enjoy the show and laugh as much as you want.

About Lyza R. Sabornido
Lyza writes to share the colorful and wonderful Filipino culture to the world. She's a seasoned writer, researcher and news reporter. She's the editor for lifestyle, culture and travel of FAQ.PH. Follow her on Twitter at @lyza_lyz.
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